
Unique Custom Wooden Door Styles

December 23, 2021

Unique Custom Wooden Door Styles

Doors are considered as a style statement for your house. The front door is the first thing that people see when they enter your house. So your front door should be made in a way that leaves a good long-lasting impact on your visitors.

In addition to helping you save money, custom wooden doors also make a huge style statement in any residential as well as commercial space. So if you want your doors to leave a good first impression and want to increase the value of your house then you should go for custom wooden doors.

Once you have decided that you want to get a custom wooden exterior door, then all you have to do is consider a few aspects and make some design choices to build a door that can provide both safety and security for your house.

However, if you are planning on getting a custom door constructed, you have to hire a professional custom door manufacturer. A professional will help you build the best custom door for your house.

Once you have decided to go for a custom door, your next step will be choosing the best style for your custom front doors. There are many different designs and styles that may confuse you. Hence in this blog post, we will discuss some of the unique custom wooden doors styles you may come across to help you choose the best custom door styles for your house.

Things You Need To Consider Before Ordering Custom Front Doors

Before choosing a custom front door for your house there are some things that you will need to consider.

  • What type of material or wood type do you want?
  • What door size do you need? (Consider the width, height, and thickness)
  • Does the entryway need to be wheelchair-accessible?
  • Will the door have glass? If so, how much transparency would you like?
  • What is the overall architecture and style? Is it sleek and contemporary or warm and Mediterranean?

By considering these aspects it will become easier for you to design a custom door that is both functional and stylish.

Unique Custom Wooden Front Door Styles

Although there are almost endless ways you can customize your entry door, here are some unique and popular styles.

Barn Doors

Barn doors over the past few years have become the most popular style of interior and exterior custom wooden doors. This style is popular and unique as the door is hung from a track just above the door opening.

There is no track on the bottom of the door as the door is essentially hung free in the air. This makes it easy to slide open and closed. Due to their unique and stylish design, barn doors can be used in a variety of spaces.

These doors suit small spaces the best such as a closet in an apartment building or hotel where a typical door would not fit. Barn doors complement all kinds of styles ranging from craftsmen to warehouses.

But an important thing that you should keep in mind is that since barn doors are hanging free and are elevated a bit off the ground they will block less sound as compared to traditional doors.

Large Doors

Large wooden custom entry doors are not only a unique style of door but they also add a lot of curb appeal to your house. With their huge size, they have a big impact on the style statement of your house. Sometimes the unconventional construction of your house may demand a larger door than the standard size.

In these scenarios having a large custom wooden door will help you create a style statement that also adds convenience. However, for this, you will need to hire a professional custom entry door company that will allow you to custom make your exterior and interior doors.

About First Impression Wood Masters

First Impression Wood Masters is a pioneer in manufacturing quality exterior and interior doors for your needs. We offer quality craftsmanship with customization options to design the doors of your choice.

We at First Impression Wood Masters take pride in serving our community with premium quality solid wooden doors. If you would like to learn more about us, contact us here.

Home of Highest Quality Solid Wooden Doors.

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